Health & wellness coaching crafted uniquely for you.

Discover How to Age with Vitality

Coaching Designed to Help You Live a Fulfilling, Healthy Life

Learn how to put your goals into action to create the ideal self you desire. Whether you’re looking for guidance around building healthy habits through life changes, looking to make menopause manageable, or another health goal, I can help. My goal is to create a client-centered experience in every session so you leave feeling confident and motivated in your goals.

How Health & Wellness Coaching Works

My goal is to create an experience that empowers you to tap into your internal motivation so that you can cultivate sustainable change over time.

Health coaching has three stages:

  1. Discovery Call: I always begin with a 20-minute complimentary discovery call, where you share your goals and we discuss how you could benefit from health coaching. There’s no obligation to sign up for coaching if you don’t think it’d be a good fit.

  2. Visioning: We have a 1-hour virtual visioning session, where we explore the life you want. Because health impacts every area of life, we go wide to then go deep into the areas you’re most looking to improve. This session ends with setting long-term goals that we’ll begin to work towards in our work together.

  3. Weekly or Bi-Weekly Sessions: Then we begin our regular sessions! These video calls begin by exploring your topic of choice, discussing what kind of impact change could have in your life, and then we finish by setting a specific short-term goal.

While this is a partnership, you’re in the driver’s seat. I’m here to facilitate the conversation and help you uncover your purpose and motivation.

About Michelle

Hi! I’m Michelle Lima, an A-CFHC certified health coach, and I’m passionate about all things health and wellness. Taking health one step further, I believe vitality is crucial; having passion that lifts our spirit and gives fullness to our lives.

My journey began over a decade ago dealing with GI and fertility issues. This took me on a deep dive into wellness and I haven't stopped since!

I’m particularly interested in metabolic health, menopause, and how best to support hormonal changes. That said, I coach around many different topics as health and wellness encompasses many aspects of our lives. I live in New Jersey with my family, and when I'm not coaching, I am focused on raising my daughter and spending time with my family.  I love volleyball - watching or playing - and also enjoy circuit training and baking.

Is Health Coaching Right for Me?

As a health coach, I can support you with a variety of goals related to your physical and mental well-being. Whether you’re looking to make menopause easier, increase activity, balance blood sugar, introduce new mental wellness habits, or another type of goal, I’m here to support you.

In our discovery call, we’ll discuss any health conditions you have, your current team of doctors and other practitioners, and what medications you’re on.

The most important thing is that you’re ready to create change!

Note: As I’m not a practitioner, I can’t diagnose, treat, cure, or prescribe. But I can work with you and your practitioner to create habits and reach goals related to diagnoses.

Schedule your complimentary discovery call.